Sicily is full of small towns with their own unique
character. Shannon had a day off in the middle of the week and we decided to take a day trip to the city of Caltagirone. Caltagerone is only an hour and a half from our apartment and another UNESCO world heritage site (there are 7 World Heritage Sites in South Eastern Sicily). Sicily is known for its ceramics and Caltagirone is one of the most best of these towns for ceramic art. Perhaps the most famous thing about Caltagirone is the 142-step Staircase of Santa Maria del Monte.

The staircase was built in 1608 and all of the risers on the steps have ceramic tiles that have religious or historical depictions. Like Santo Stefano, Caltagirone has ceramics everywhere in their town, decorating bridges, streets and walls with painted tiles.
We also toured the city’s Duomo and took a walk in the big park with, among other things, a tile covered gazebo.